Tuesday, 8 June 2010

A touch of class!

I emailed Glenda Jackson MP last night about the original Early Day Motion (Number 1037) on Large scale dairy units. The MP who put forward that motion was Eric Martlew, who retired at the last election, so I wanted to ensure that either that Early Day Motion was reinstated or a fresh one started.

I was very pleased to receive a call from Glenda herself this afternoon as I was driving home from work (hands free phone, honest!) and she told me that there is a new Early Day Motion (144) replacing that original one.


  1. Deborah in Nocton9 June 2010 at 00:23

    Thanks for this info Jeff - Ms Jackson is a wonderful woman ... and it's good to see the EDM has returned after No 10 pulled all the petitions with no warning or notice ...
    Our thoughts are with you in South Witham ...
    this is a terric blog, keep up the pressure and the good work!

  2. No problem and thanks. She was very nice on the phone and clearly a very early and personal response to my email, was great.


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