- Independent article - Revealed: How 'zero grazing' is set to bring US style factory farming to Britain, 25th June, 2010
- Stamford Mercury article - Mega dairy plan put out to grass, 18th June, 2010
- Grantham Journal article - Villagers gather for super dairy talks, 9th June, 2010
- Meat Trade News article, 8th June, 2010
- Organic milk: Pint of the right stuff, Independent 11th May, 2010
- Nocton super dairy plans could be back on track in May, 2010
- Are we ready for an 8100 cow dairy herd, NO!, 16th April, 2010
- Washington Post Online: Obama's Factory Farm Record - Something to crow about, 27th March, 2010t
- Manure raises new stink, March 25th, 2010
- Milk prices up for debate in Brussels - we make too much milk! 5th October, 2009
- Company fined after water pollution, 21st November, 2008
- Supermarkets should oppose intensive dairy farming, The Sustainable Business Blog on the Guardian
- Daily Mail: Factory farms 'to blame for new superbugs'
- Our pigs, our food, our health
- Factory farms in Asia blamed for pandemic
- The truth about British pork - that comes all the way from a Polish factory
Press Releases
White Papers
- Hewlett Packard and manure powered Data centres article, 20th May, 2010
- Food and Water, Europe - Media Brief against CAFO, 14th April, 2010
- CAFFO MegaDairy Poster
- VIVA Campaign for South Witham
- David Kirby: Obama keeps two factory farm promises. Will hold National Rural Summit
- Is this factory farming's tobacco moment?
- The hidden link between factory farms and human illness
- Factory Farm Impact Fact Sheet
- Viva claim victory against cow prison in South Witham